Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Oct. 31 - Social Networking

I love MySpace!!! I know a lot of parents are scared of social networking sites, and with good reason. I myself have gotten some sketchy emails and friend requests, but if you steer clear of people you don't know and you make your profile private, you don't have too much to worry about. My kids love that they can hop on MySpace and leave me a message or send me a funny picture or something. I see it as another way to get to know who my students are. Do I agree that they probably post things they shouldn't? Absolutely. I don't need to know who got drunk last week or who's hooking up now, but it does give me a way to keep an eye out for trouble as well. If there is MySpace drama, then I'm aware for whatever is going to happen at school the next day. I have a MySpace and a Facebook, so for the new one, I created a Bebo. I like it, but haven't played around with it enough to really know what it can do. I've added a few things, put some music on, made a skin, that sort of thing, but don't have any idea what it's capabilities actually are. Of course, nothing is as stupid as the kids who trashed our condo, then posted it on Facebook, but hey, no one said high school seniors graduated smart.

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