Wednesday, November 28, 2007

November 7 - Photo Hosting and Sharing

Pictures, pictures everywhere!! I love taking pictures and using them for different things. I have actually been using my MySpace and Facebook to post pictures for a while, mainly becuase the kids love to look at themselves, and after our trip to Europe, I wanted EVERYONE to see what I saw. I have used the Kodak Gallery, Photobucket, Slide, and Snapfish before to make slideshows for my MySpace. Slide is probably my favorite becuase it's really easy to use. Now that I know about the $10 cameras at WalMart, I want to invest in getting some for my classroom so that the students can do even more creative things. I can't wait to get them to use the cameras and then respond to the pictures in writing.

I wasn't as big a fan of the wiki becuase I couldn't really figure out how to use it with my kids. Part of me is petrified to let them get on and change things without me being about to stop them. But then again, maybe if I play with it some more I"ll figure out some really snazzy ways to use it with the class.

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