Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Internet Resources to Support Student Learning

I like having a social bookmarking site, mainly becuase I like being able to get to the websites I like from anywhere without having to constantly Google things. I didn't know how much I would like and its easy to use toolbar reference button until I had it. I love being able to add things right when I find them. It's just so easy! I'm not sure how I feel about having them public, but as long as I don't put anything embaressing on there, I guess it's ok.

I use the WWW all the time to supplement my lessons, but had never made a webquest before. I'm not sure that I like the format that uses, but I do like the idea of a webquest. The only problem I've had is getting my students to the computers to use them. More often than not, I pull the information off the websites and incorporate it into my own activities and lessons. I would like to keep revising my webquest, maybe create some more, and have them as resources linked to my website so that my students can really use technology along with the novels.

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